Los reyes del mundo
Los reyes del mundo
Los reyes del mundo
Los reyes del mundo Rá, Culebro, Sere, Winny and Nano. Five boys who live on the streets of Medellín. Five kings with no kingdom, no law, no family, set out on a journey in search of the promised land. A subversive tale told through a wild and endearing clan, somewhere between reality and delirium. A journey to nowhere, where everything happens.
- Director:Daniela Abad Lombana, Laura Mora, Marcela Gómez Montoya
- Elenco:Brahian Acevedo, Carlos Andres Castañeda, Cristian Campaña, Cristian David, Davinson Florez
- Genero:aventura, drama
- Año:2022
- Duracion:103min
- Calidad:Dual 1080p, Dual 720p, DVD Rip
- Idioma:Lat
- Productora:caracol televisión, ciudad lunar, dago garcía producciones, exile content, iris productions, la selva cine, mer film as, talipot studio, tu vas voir
- Pais:colombia, france, luxembourg, mexico, norway
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