Allan Una Pasión Repentina
Allan Una Pasión Repentina
Allan The Dog
Allan Una Pasión Repentina An honest mechanic and his talking dog seek Hollywood fame as a comedic duo. They’re the perfect family…until they fall for the same girl.
- Director:Barry Murphy
- Elenco:Alison Haislip, Barry Murphy, Chuey Martinez, Dan Garza, John Bader, Katie Powers, Kinner Shah, Manny Streetz, Sam Daly, Stephanie Silverman, Steven Weber, Tanya Rad, Tomas Boykin, Tony D. Czech
- Genero:comedia
- Año:2020
- Duracion:90min
- Calidad:Dual 1080p, Dual 720p, DVD Rip
- Idioma:Lat
- Productora:petri entertainment, sba pictures
- Pais:united states of america
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