The Cursed: Dead Man’s Prey

The Cursed: Dead Man’s Prey


The Cursed: Dead Man’s Prey

방법: 재차의


The Cursed: Dead Man’s Prey  In this movie spinoff of “The Cursed”, reporter Im Jin-Hee receives a mysterious call while on a live radio program – the strange voice warning her about a murder happening soon. After the call, people begin to be murdered left and right. The murderers are “jaechaui” – corpses that can walk and talk like just like humans. One thing separates them from humans, though: they are just puppets being manipulated by someone far scarier than themselves.


utorrentDual 1080pLatino3.86 GB Descargar
utorrentDual 720pLatino2.03 GB Descargar
utorrentDVD RipLatino547 MB Descargar
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