Giant Spider
Giant Spider
Giant Spider In a mysterious laboratory located in the desert, the experimental spiders used for genetic research mutate and turn into giant spider monsters, turning the laboratory into a giant spider’s lair. A few days later, a special warfare team led by the captain Gao Qiang, escorting Dr. Chen, a scientist of the Kwon Plant Group, goes to the laboratory to rescue the trapped people and try to retrieve the relevant scientific research data
- Director:Li Yadong
- Elenco:Li Xiaoai, Liu Weizhou, Qin Liyang, Su Youchen, Yu Rongguang, Zhou Hengyuan
- Año:2021
- Duracion:84min
- Calidad:Dual 1080p, Dual 720p, DVD Rip
- Idioma:Lat
- Pais:china
- Otros Titulos:giant moth (China), ju zhu (China)
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